Cock-up Fifth Toe M20.5X9


synonyms: cock-up toe

Cock-up Toe ICD-10

Cock-up Fifth Toe ICD-9

Cock-up Fifth Toe Etiology / Epidemiology / Natural History

  • Severe dorsiflexion deformity at the fifth metatarsophalangeal joint. May have a hammer-toe component.

Cock-up Fifth Toe Anatomy

Cock-up Fifth Toe Clinical Evaluation

Cock-up Fifth Toe Diagnositc Tests

Cock-up Fifth Toe Classification / Treatment

  • Non-operative treatment: wide or extra-depth shoes.
  • Mild deformity: release of the soft tissues at the metatarsophalangeal joint, extensor tenotomy, consider a hammertoe procedure.
  • Severe fixed deformity: excision of all or part of the proximal phalanx (Ruiz-Mora procedure).

Cock-up Fifth Toe Associated Injuries / Differential Diagnosis

  • Claw toe
  • Monoarticular nontraumatic synovitis
  • Metatarsophalangeal joint instability
  • Plantar Keratosis
  • Frieberg's Infraction

Cock-up Fifth Toe Complications

  • Pain
  • Bunionette deformity
  • Fourth toe hammer toe
  • Floppy fifth toe

Cock-up Fifth Toe Follow-up Care

Cock-up Fifth Toe Review References

Mizel MS JAAOS 1995;3:166
