Diatetic Foot ICD-10
Indium-111 white blood cell scan is the study of choice for evaluation of osteomyelitis in the diabetic foot. Johnson JE, Kennedy EJ, Shereff MJ, et al: Prospective study of bone, indium-111-labeled white blood cell, and gallium-67 scanning for the evaluation of osteomyelitis in the diabetic foot. Foot Ankle Int 1996;17:10-16
Low-risk patients(sensate to Semmes-Weinstein 5.07mm monofilament, have palpable pulses, and no deformity): treated with safe footwear and foot care instructions. Consider pressure-dissipating insoles and soft leather shoes. Moderate-risk (insensate to monofilament, deformity, non-palpable pulses): depth-inlay shoes and cosutom accommodative pressure-dissipating orthosis Calcaneal ulcerations with osteomyelitis