Galeazzi Fracture S52.379A 813.40/833.01


synonyms: "fracture of necessity", Piedmont fracture

Galeazzi Fx ICD-10

Galeazzi Fx ICD-9

  • 813.40(fracture of the radius and ulna, distal end unspecified)
  • 833.01 (closed dislocation of wrist, radioulnar joint, distal)

Galeazzi's Fractrue CPT codes

Galeazzi Fx Etiology / Epidemiology / Natural History

  • Fracture of the radial shaft (usually distal 1/3) with dislocation of the distal radioulnar joint (may have ulnar styliod fracture as well).

Galeazzi Fx Anatomy

Galeazzi Fx Clinical Evaluation

  • Pain and swelling in forearm and wrist. Forearm rotation very painful.
  • Document NV exam.
  • Document Wrist Physical Exam.

Galeazzi Fx Xray / Diagnositc Tests

Galeazzi Fx Classification / Treatment

  • (Rettig ME, J Hand Surg 2001;26A:228).
  • ORIF of the radius is indicated in all cases.
  • DRUJ stable after ORIF of radius: Repair of the TFCC, and immobilization of the wrist are not necessary if anatomic reduction of the joint is obtained by indirect means such as ORIF of the radius. (CORR, 1993;293:240-245)
  • DRUJ unstable but reducible after ORIF of radius: the wrist should be immobilizedin slight supination for four to six weeks. I
  • DRUJ irreducible, after ORIF radius: open reduction of the joint is necessary with TFCC repair / ulnar styloid ORIF / ECU reduction as needed. LAC in slight supination for 6 weeks post-op.
  • AO Classification(link is external)

Galeazzi Fx Associated Injuries / Differential Diagnosis

Galeazzi Fx Complications

Galeazzi Fx Follow-up Care

Galeazzi Fx Review References
