1. Fibula
11. PoplitealVessels |
2. Tibia
12.Tibial Nerve |
3. Tibia Tuberosity
13. Medial Head of Gastrocnemius |
4. Patellar Tendon
14. Lesser Saphenous Vein |
5. Tibialis Anterior
15. Gracillis |
6. Extensor Digitorum Longus
16. Long Saphenous Vein |
7. Common Peroneal Nerve |
17. Medial Collateral Ligament |
8. Lateral Head of Gastrocnemius
18. Semitendinosus |
9. Soleus
19. Sartorius |
10. Tibialis Posterior
1. Anterior Compartment (contains:Tibialis Anterior ,EHL, EDL, Peroneus tertius, Deep Peroneal nerve, and the anterior tibial vessesls)
12. Flexor Hallucis Longus |
2. Tibialis Anterior
13. Peroneal Vessels |
3. Tibia
14. Tibial Nerve and Posterior Tibial Vessels |
4. Extensor Digitorum Longus
15. Deep Posterior Compartment (contains:Popliteus, FHL, FDL, Tibialis Posterior, Tibial nerve and the posterior Tibial vessels) |
5. Deep Peroneal Nerve and Anterior Tibial Vessels
16. Soleus |
6. Lateral Compartment (contains:,Peroneus longus , Peroneus brevis, and the Superficial Peroneal nerve)
17. Long Saphenous Vein |
7. Peroneus Longus |
18. Superficial Posterior Compartment (contains: Gastrocnemius, soleus, Plantaris, and the Sural nerve) |
8. Superficial peroneal nerve
19. Lateral Head of Gastrocnemius |
9. Fibula
20. Medial Head of Gastrocnemius |
10. Tibialis Posterior
21. Sural Nerve and Lesser Saphenous Vein |
11. Flexor digitorum longus(FDL)
1. Anterior Compartment (contains:Tibialis Anterior ,EHL, EDL, Peroneus tertius, Deep Peroneal nerve, and the anterior tibial vessesls)
12. Flexor Hallucis Longus |
2. Extensor Digitorum Longus
13. Flexor digitorum longus(FDL) |
3. Extensor Hallucis Longus
14. Peroneal Vessels |
4. Tibialis Anterior
15. Tibial Nerve and Posterior Tibial Vessels |
5. Deep Peroneal Nerve and Anterior Tibial Vessels
16. Long Saphenous Vein |
6. Lateral Compartment (contains:,Peroneus longus , Peroneus brevis, and the superficial Peroneal nerve)
17. Superficial Posterior Compartment (contains: Gastrocnemius, soleus, Plantaris, and the Sural nerve) |
7. Superficial peroneal nerve |
18. Soleus |
8. Peroneus Longus
19. Achilles Tendon |
9. Peroneus Brevis
20. Sural Nerve and Lesser Saphenous Vein |
10. Deep Posterior Compartment (contains:Popliteus, FHL, FDL, Tibialis Posterior tibial nerve and the posterior Tibial vessels)
21. Fibula |
11. Tibialis Posterior
22. Tibia |
Intermediate Dorsal Cutaneous branch of Superficial peroneal nerve
10. Tibialis Posterior |
2. Medial Dorsal Cutaneous branch of Superficial peroneal nerve
11. Flexor digitorum longus(FDL) |
3. Peroneus tertius
12. Tibial Nerve and Posterior Tibial Vessels |
4. Extensor Digitorum Longus
13. Flexor Hallucis Longus |
5. Extensor Hallucis Longus
14. Achilles tendon |
6. Deep Peroneal Nerve and Anterior Tibial Vessels
15. Sural Nerve and Lesser Saphenous Vein |
7. Tibialis Anterior |
16. Peroneus brevis |
8. Great saphenous vein and saphenous nerve
17. Peroneus longus |
9. Tibia
18. Fibula |
Intermediate Dorsal Cutaneous branch of Superficial peroneal nerve
10. Tibialis Posterior |
2. Peroneus tertius
11. Flexor Digitorum Longus(FDL) |
3. Medial Dorsal Cutaneous branch of Superficial peroneal nerve
12. Tibial Nerve and Posterior Tibial Vessels |
4. Extensor Digitorum Longus
13. Flexor Hallucis Longus |
5. Deep Peroneal Nerve and Anterior Tibial Vessels
14. Achilles tendon |
6. Extensor Hallucis Longus
15. Sural Nerve and Lesser Saphenous Vein |
7. Tibialis Anterior |
16. Peroneus longus |
8. Great saphenous vein and saphenous nerve
17. Peroneus brevis |
9. Medial Malleolus of Tibia
18. Lateral Malleolus of Fibula |
19. Talus |