Ankle Pain ICD-10
- M25.571 - Pain in right ankle and joints of right foot
- M25.572 - Pain in left ankle and joints of left foot
- M25.579 - Pain in unspecified ankle and joints of unspecified foot
Ankle Pain Differential Diagnosis
Achilles Tendonitis / Retrocalaneal Bursitis
Anterior Ankle Impingement
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome
Flexor Hallucis Longus Tendonitis
Lateral Ankle Instability
Occult Hindfoot Fracture
Peroneal Tendon Dislocation
Peroneal Tendon Tendonitis / tear
Posterior Ankle Impingement
Posterior Tibial Tendon Dysfunction
Sinus Tarsi Syndrome
Talar Osteochondral Defect
Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome