Leg Cross Sectional Anatomy

 proximal tibia cross sectional anatomy  

1. Fibula

11. PoplitealVessels

2. Tibia

12.Tibial Nerve

3. Tibia Tuberosity

13. Medial Head of Gastrocnemius

4. Patellar Tendon

14. Lesser Saphenous Vein

5. Tibialis Anterior

15. Gracillis

6. Extensor Digitorum Longus

16. Long Saphenous Vein
7. Common Peroneal Nerve 17. Medial Collateral Ligament

8. Lateral Head of Gastrocnemius

18. Semitendinosus

9. Soleus

19. Sartorius

10. Tibialis Posterior

leg cross sectional anatomy

1. Anterior Compartment (contains:Tibialis Anterior ,EHL, EDL, Peroneus tertius, Deep Peroneal nerve, and the anterior tibial vessesls)

12. Flexor Hallucis Longus

2. Tibialis Anterior

13. Peroneal Vessels

3. Tibia

14. Tibial Nerve and Posterior Tibial Vessels

4. Extensor Digitorum Longus

15. Deep Posterior Compartment (contains:Popliteus, FHL, FDL, Tibialis Posterior, Tibial nerve and the posterior Tibial vessels)

5. Deep Peroneal Nerve and Anterior Tibial Vessels

16. Soleus

6. Lateral Compartment (contains:,Peroneus longus , Peroneus brevis, and the Superficial Peroneal nerve)

17. Long Saphenous Vein
7. Peroneus Longus 18. Superficial Posterior Compartment (contains: Gastrocnemius, soleus, Plantaris, and the Sural nerve)

8. Superficial peroneal nerve

19. Lateral Head of Gastrocnemius

9. Fibula

20. Medial Head of Gastrocnemius

10. Tibialis Posterior

21. Sural Nerve and Lesser Saphenous Vein

11. Flexor digitorum longus(FDL)

leg cross sectional anatomy

1. Anterior Compartment (contains:Tibialis Anterior ,EHL, EDL, Peroneus tertius, Deep Peroneal nerve, and the anterior tibial vessesls)

12. Flexor Hallucis Longus

2. Extensor Digitorum Longus

13. Flexor digitorum longus(FDL)

3. Extensor Hallucis Longus

14. Peroneal Vessels

4. Tibialis Anterior

15. Tibial Nerve and Posterior Tibial Vessels

5. Deep Peroneal Nerve and Anterior Tibial Vessels

16. Long Saphenous Vein

6. Lateral Compartment (contains:,Peroneus longus , Peroneus brevis, and the superficial Peroneal nerve)

17. Superficial Posterior Compartment (contains: Gastrocnemius, soleus, Plantaris, and the Sural nerve)
7. Superficial peroneal nerve 18. Soleus

8. Peroneus Longus

19. Achilles Tendon

9. Peroneus Brevis

20. Sural Nerve and Lesser Saphenous Vein

10. Deep Posterior Compartment (contains:Popliteus, FHL, FDL, Tibialis Posterior tibial nerve and the posterior Tibial vessels)

21. Fibula

11. Tibialis Posterior

22. Tibia
distal tibia cross sectional anatomy

Intermediate Dorsal Cutaneous branch of Superficial peroneal nerve

10. Tibialis Posterior

2. Medial Dorsal Cutaneous branch of Superficial peroneal nerve

11. Flexor digitorum longus(FDL)

3. Peroneus tertius

12. Tibial Nerve and Posterior Tibial Vessels

4. Extensor Digitorum Longus

13. Flexor Hallucis Longus

5. Extensor Hallucis Longus

14. Achilles tendon

6. Deep Peroneal Nerve and Anterior Tibial Vessels

15. Sural Nerve and Lesser Saphenous Vein
7. Tibialis Anterior 16. Peroneus brevis

8. Great saphenous vein and saphenous nerve

17. Peroneus longus

9. Tibia

18. Fibula
ankle cross sectional anatomy

Intermediate Dorsal Cutaneous branch of Superficial peroneal nerve

10. Tibialis Posterior

2. Peroneus tertius

11. Flexor Digitorum Longus(FDL)

3. Medial Dorsal Cutaneous branch of Superficial peroneal nerve

12. Tibial Nerve and Posterior Tibial Vessels

4. Extensor Digitorum Longus

13. Flexor Hallucis Longus

5. Deep Peroneal Nerve and Anterior Tibial Vessels

14. Achilles tendon

6. Extensor Hallucis Longus

15. Sural Nerve and Lesser Saphenous Vein
7. Tibialis Anterior 16. Peroneus longus

8. Great saphenous vein and saphenous nerve

17. Peroneus brevis

9. Medial Malleolus of Tibia

18. Lateral Malleolus of Fibula
  19. Talus