General Guidelines
- Individualized to the patient depending on procedures performed and patients pre-operative activity/sport.
- Indicated for partial meniscectomy, loose body removal, plica excision, diagnostic arthroscopy, synovectomy, debridement.
Phase I
- Patient is Weight Bearing As Tolerated (WBAT)
- Stretching (e.g. hamstrings, gastroc/soleus, hip flexors)
- Active range of motion (AROM)
- 4-way SLR
- Quad sets, gluteal sets
- Ankle pumps
- Ice, Compression, Elevation (I.C.E.)
- Muscle stimulation, biofeedback if needed
- Bicycle within available ROM
- D/C electrical stimulation when no quad lag
Phase II
- Independent ambulation with assistive device as needed, full weight bearing (FWB)
- AROM (o°-110°)
- Independent straight leg raise
- Mild/No swelling
Suggested progression
- Continue strengthening and stretching exercises from Phase I
- Basic closed chain exercises, limited to 110 degree (e.g. mini squats, mini lunges, total Gym)
- Advanced closed-chain exercises (e.g. Fitter, Shuttle)
- Aerobic exercises (e.g. bike, treadmill, NordicTrac, stairclimber, swimming)
- Proprioceptive exercise (e.g. BAPS board, ground stars)
Phase III
- Straight leg raise without quad lag
- Strength 4/5
- No apprehension with single leg hop on involved leg
- Able to balance on involved leg and reach with uninvolved leg 80% of distance reached with opposite leg
Suggested progression
- Continue strengthening and stretching exercises from Phase II
- Slow form jogging/running
- Weight strengthening program
- Sport specific training – lateral stepping, cariocas
Phase IV: Return to sport/discharge
- Full/functional AROM
- Independent ambulation without deviation
- No swelling
- > 80% quadriceps and 85% hamstring strength (BIODEX test)
Suggested progression
- Plyometrics
- Advanced sport/activity specific training