Syme's amputation 27888

CPT Coding Technique
Indications Complications
Contraindications Follow-up Care / Rehab Protocol
Alternatives Outcomes
Pre-op Planning  Review References

synonyms:Syme amputation, ankle amputation

Syme's amputation CPT 

Syme's amputation Indications

  • H

Syme's amputation Contraindications

Syme's amputation Alternatives

  • A

Syme's amputation Pre-op Planning

  • In order to perform a Syme's amputation, the heel fat pad must be intact.  In addition, patients who are concerned about the cosmetic result of their surgery often find a below-knee amputation more cosmetically acceptable than a Syme's amputation because the ankle thickness in a below-knee prosthesis can resemble that of a normal ankle and the foot will often fit into regular shoe wear.  The prosthesis for a Syme's amputation has a large, broad ankle portion that extends distally as a continuation of the brace rather than the shoe, and is often cosmetically unacceptable to patients. Laughlin RT, Chambers RB: Syme amputation revisited: A review of 46 cases.  J Bone Joint Surg 1996;78B:461-467.

Syme's amputation Technique

    Syme's amputation Complications

    Syme's amputation Follow-up care

    • Post-op:
    • 7-10 Days:
    • 3 Weeks:
    • 6 Weeks:
    • 2 Months:
    • 3 Months:
    • 6 Months:
    • 1Yr:

    Syme's amputation Outcomes

    • (R

    Syme's amputation Review References


