Total Elbow Arthroplasty Cases

 elbow arthritis xray

 A/P view of arthritic elbow demonstrates osteophytes on coronoid and olecranon and in coronoid and olecranon fossae. Ulnohumeral and radiohumeral joint space narrowing.


See also:

Total Elbow Arthropasty (TEA)

elbow arthritis xray

Lateral view of arthritic elbow demonstrates osteophytes on coronoid and olecranon and in coronoid and olecranon fossae. Ulnohumeral and radiohumeral joint space narrowing.

See also:

Total Elbow Arthropasty (TEA)

total elbow arthroplasty xray

Treated with total elbow arthroplasty after failure of non-operative managment. Post-operative lateral view shown

See also:

Total Elbow Arthropasty (TEA)

total elbow arthroplasty xray

Post-operative A/P view shown.

See also:

Total Elbow Arthropasty (TEA)
