Ankle Fracture ORIF 27814

 Displaced bimalleolar ankle fracture xray

Operative fixation ankle fracture xray

Ankle Cross section image

Ankle syndesmosis image

Lateral malleolus fracture xray

Medial malleolus fracture anterior view xray

Medial malleolus fracture ORIF xray

 Ankle syndesmosis injury xray

 Ankle syndesmosis fixation xray



CPT Coding Technique
Indications Complications
Contraindications Follow-up Care / Rehab Protocol
Alternatives Outcomes
Pre-op Planning / Case Card Review References

synonyms: ORIF Ankle Fracture, open reduction internal fixation ankle, medial malleolus ORIF, lateral malleolus ORIF

ORIF Ankle Fracture CPT

ORIF Ankle Fracture Indications

  • Lateral malleolus fracture with tibio-talar instability
  • Lateral malleolus fracture with syndesmosis injury
  • Isolated medial malleolus fracture
  • Bimalleolar ankle facture
  • Trimalleolar ankle fracture

ORIF Ankle Fracture Contraindications

  • Soft tissue compromise - severe swelling
  • Active infection
  • Medical instability

ORIF Ankle Fracture Alternatives

  • Non-op treatment

ORIF Ankle Fracture Pre-op Planning / Special Considerations

  • Timing of surgery is dictated by the status of the soft tissues.  Ideally surgery is done before any true swelling or fracture blisters have developed.  Delayed surgery done when blisters have resolved, skin wrinkles normally (average 14 days) has equivalent outcomes (Karges/Watson, JOT 1995;9:377).
  • Posterior malleolar fragments >25% of the plafond may be fixed via percutaneous clamp reduction through the medical mallellar fracture or direct reduction through a posterolateral or posteromedial approach.
  • Posterior approach only needed for large posterior malleolar fragments-prone position.  Incision between Achilles and peroneal tendons.  Avoid sural nerve. Find interval between FHL and peroneal tendons.   FHL is medial and protects posterior tibial artery/nerve.

ORIF Ankle Fracture Technique

  • Sign operative site.
  • Pre-operative antibiotics, +/- regional block.
  • General endotracheal anesthesia
  • Supine position with bump under ipsilateral hip. All bony prominences well padded.
  • Well-padded tourniquet placed high on the thigh.
  • Prep and drape in standard sterile fashion.
  • document osteochondral injuries which should be saught during ORIF.
  • Lateral malleolar fixation provided with posterior antiglide plate +/- lag screws. (Lamontagne J, JOT 2002;16:498).
  • Irrigate.
  • Close in layers.

ORIF Ankle Fracture Complications

  • Pulmonary embolism = 0.34%, Wound infection 1.44%, Revision ORIF = 0.82%, BKA = 0.16%, Mortality =1.07% (SooHoo NF, JBJS 2009;91:1042)
  • Nonuion
  • Infection
  • Painful hardware
  • Compartment Syndrome
  • CRPS
  • DVT / PE
  • Peroneal tendon pathology: associated with low plate placement with a prominent screw head in the distal hole. (Weber M, Foot Ankle Int. 2005 Apr;26(4):281)
  • We discussed the risks of surgery including, but not limited to: incomplete relief of pain, incomplete return of function, nonunion, malnunion, painful hardware, hardware failure, compartment syndrome, CRPS, DVT/PE and the risks of anesthesia including heart attack, stroke and death.

ORIF Ankle Fracture Follow-up care

  • Post-op: bulky jones dressing, NWB, elevation
  • 7-10 Days: Wound check, functional Air-Stirrup ankle brace (Aircast). Partial weight bearing as tolerated. Encourage daily active and passive range-of-motion exercises of the ankle and subtalar joints without the brace.
  • 6 Weeks: Assess xrays for union. Progress with activity / PT. Driving: may drive after 9 weeks for right leg. (Egol KA, JBJS 2003;85A:1185). Swelling is common after ankle sprain or fx. Rx=compression stocking (sigvaris, Jobst) 20-30mmHg
  • 3 Months: Begin sport specific rehab. Running, stair-climbing, and participation in sports are allowed only after a full range of motion of the ankle has been achieved
  • 6 Months: Return to sport / full activities.
  • 1Yr: Assess outcomes, F/U xrays.

ORIF Ankle Fracture Outcomes

ORIF Ankle Fracture Review References

  • Rockwood and Greens°