Wrist / Hand
Upper ICD-10 FX
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Wrist / Hand
Upper ICD-10 FX
Lower ICD-10 FX
ACL Anatomy
ACL Complications
ACL Reconstruction 29888
ACL Reconstruction Rehab Protocol
ACL Tear S83.519A 717.83
Autologous Chondrocyte Implantation 27412
Bakers Cyst M71.20 727.51
Bipartite Patella Q68.2 755.64
Chondral Injury Classification
Chondral Injury S83.30XA 733.92
Chondromalacia Patella M22.40 717.7
Distal Femoral Osteotomy 27450
Exertional Compartment Syndrome M79.A29 729.72
Fasciotomy Leg 27602
Fibula Fracture S82.409A 823.21
Fibular Head Dislocation S83.60XA
Focal Periphyseal Edema (FOPE)
Gastrocnemius Muscle Tear S86.119A 844.9
High Tibial Osteotomy 27457
High Tibial Osteotomy Cases
Iliotibial Band Friction Syndrome M70.50 726.60
Knee / Leg Images
Knee Anatomy
Knee Arthritis M17.10 715.16
Knee Arthrodesis 27580
Knee Arthrodesis Cases
Knee Arthroscopy 29870
Knee Arthroscopy Images
Knee Arthroscopy Rehab Protocol
Knee Arthroscopy with Partial Meniscectomy 29881
Knee Contracture M24.569 718.46
Knee Dislocation S83.106A 836.50
Knee MRI
Knee Outcome Measures
Knee Pain M25.569
Knee Physical Exam
Knee Rehab Protocols
Knee Synovectomy 29876
Knee Texts
Knee Xray
knee-leg junk
Lateral Release 29873
Lateral Release Rehab Protocol
LCL Repair 27427
LCL Tear S83.429A 844.0
Leg Cross Sectional Anatomy
Loose body in Knee M23.40 717.6
Maisonneuve Fracture S82.409A 823.21
MCL Repair 27405
MCL Tear S83.419A 844.1
Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome S83.90XA 844.9
Meniscal Cyst M23.009 727.41
Meniscal Repair 29882
Meniscal Tear Classification
Meniscal Tear S83.209A 836.0
Meniscal Transplantation
Meniscus Discoid M23.009 717.5
Microfracture 29879
MPFL Reconstruction 27422
OCD of the Knee Cases
Osteochondral Autograft 29866
Osteochondritis Dissecans M93.269 732.7
Osteonecrosis of the Knee M87.059 733.43
Patella Fracture ORIF 27524
Patella Fracture S82.009A 822.0
Patellar Dislocation Images
Patellar Dislocation S83.006A 836.3
Patellar Tendon Rupture M66.269 727.66
Patellar Tendonitis M76.50 726.64
Patellofemoral Arthritis Images
Patellofemoral Arthritis M17.10 715.16
Patellofemoral Pain M25.569 719.46
Patellofemoral Replacement 27438
PCL Reconstruction 29889
PCL Tear S83.529A M23.629 717.84
Periprosthetic Tibia Fracture M97.119A
Peroneal Nerve Palsy S84.10XA 956.3
Plica Syndrome M67.50 727.83
Popliteal Artery Entrapment Syndrome S85.009A 904.4
Popliteal Artery Injury S85.509A 904.4
Posterolateral Corner Injuries
Posterolateral Corner Reconstruction 27427
Prepatellar Bursitis M70.40 726.65
Proximal Tibial Shaft Fracture 27759
Proximal Tibial Shaft Fracture Cases
Proximal Tibiofibular Joint Instability
Quadriceps Tendinopathy M76.899 726.60
Quadriceps Tendon Repair 27385
Quadriceps Tendon Rupture S76.119A 843.8
Semimembranosis Tendonitis M76.899
Snapping Biceps Femoris Tendon M67.869
Snapping Popliteus Tendon M67.869
Tibial Plateau Fracture Cases
Tibial Plateau Fracture Classification
Tibial Plateau Fracture ORIF 27535
Tibial Plateau Fracture S82.109A 823.00
Tibial Shaft Anatomy
Tibial Shaft Fracture Cases
Tibial Shaft Fracture Casting 27750
Tibial Shaft Fracture External Fixation 20690
Tibial Shaft Fracture IM Nail 27759
Tibial Shaft Fracture Malunion S82.90XP 733.81
Tibial Shaft Fracture Nonunion Cases
Tibial Shaft Fracture Nonunion S82.233K 733.82
Tibial Shaft Fracture S82.209A 823.22
Tibial Shaft Malunion Cases
Tibial Shaft Stress Fracture Images
Tibial Shaft Stress Fracture M84.369A 733.93
Tibial Tubercle Transfer 27418
TKA Complications
TKA Painful / Failed
TKA Rehab Protocol
TKA Revision 27487
Total Knee Arthroplasty 27447
Unicompartment Knee Arthroplasty - Oxford
Unicompartmental Knee Arthroplasty 27446
Unicompartmental Knee Cases
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